Indies, Babies, Bathwater, and a Farewell to the Dark Ages
Last Friday was the one year anniversary of the publishing of my first book as an Indie. Note I no longer use the moniker “self” in front of my published status. The reasons I stopped using that word are myriad and akin to the same reason that in our household we never used the word […]
I ranted Saturday. It happens. Usually I am just getting something off my chest and not too concerned with the ultimate outcome. You know, that “hey, if I reach a few readers and help one or two find their way or feel better that they aren’t alone in how they feel, I’ve succeeded” kind of […]
My Novel Is Worth More Than John Locke’s Comb
Okay, this is it. The rant to end all rants. I’m warning you here. I’m done being nice. I’ve talked to too many Indie authors who feel the same way I do. I’m saying it. I have to say it. I hope all of you who feel the same as I do will rise […]
I grew up in Wyoming, so I know a little bit about branding. However, as an author, I sometimes lose sight of its importance. To an Indie author—hell, to ANY author whose last name isn’t King or Koontz or Locke—there is nothing more important in the beginning. You’ve got to get your name in front […]
Are You Marketing Like A Caveman?
I work my ass off marketing my books. I tweet and I buy ads and I pimp myself until I feel like I should be pulling on some lacy leggings and walking the red light district (I apologize profusely for the image I just created in your mind—may it not be as indelible as […]
Should You Give Away Your Art?
We’ve all learned it. There’s no free lunch. But there are also very few maxims and I have actually received a free lunch or two in my time that required nothing on my part but to sit down and eat them. Point is, I’ve been giving away free copies of my first book, Black Beast, […]
I usually don’t recycle guest posts I do for other blogs, but this one is an exception. I think cover design is an important consideration for Indies and that makes it worth an extra blog run. This post originally ran on author Trish Gentry’s fantastic blog, ChickletsLit. I love reading her blog because she, too, […]
You’re all familiar, I assume, with Twofer Tuesdays? This is when a radio station plays two songs in a row from every artist that day. Well in a way this is a Twofer for me today—I have the honor of hosting another guest blog AND it is also one of my favorite Indie writers around. […]
Have you noticed them? The eggshells all over the floor. They’re everywhere—hard to miss. They make an awful crunching sound and stick to the bottoms of the shoe something fierce. But we really need to keep moving. So maybe we shouldn’t worry so much about avoiding them, you know? Perhaps we should just walk where […]
I am currently running a free promo for my new book, L O S T, the sequel to Black Beast. So I’ve been spending the day watching L O S T slowly climb up the “Free” store at Amazon (at the writing of this blog post I am 12 hours into my promotion and L […]
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