Even The Mighty Smaug Had A Weak Underbelly

My magnum opus received a rejection today, not for publication, but rather, that it was not qualified for a review by any “reviewers” on the website “The New Podler Review of Books: Small Press and self-published books worth reading”. Now I don’t remember ever submitting a review request to this site, although it’s possible. I […]


Gunfight at the 99 Cent Corral

I have a Free Kindle Nation Short (FKNS) ad running today. It’s basically a one-day email blast to 20,000+ subscribers and includes six chapters of my new book as a sampling. Now mind you, every person who’s read this book has raved about it. I am my own worst critic and I am telling you […]


Starbucks Coffee And The Imprisoning Effect Of Twitter (And Other Social Media)

On July 29, 2012, in eBook Pricing, Future Ideas, Indie Authors, Marketing, The Market, Twitter, by rsguthrie

I had one idea for a blog that became two, that are somewhat related (Indies trying to succeed in a cruel, isolated world and the pricing challenge faced by all). So I mashed them together here. I hope it turns out better than that potato recipe I tried last year. Bad. So very, very bad. […]


Idol for Authors, Part Deux

I was replying to comments on the original “American Idol for Authors” post and the creative juices (and pitch man) in me started into overdrive. I noticed the other day a Tweep retweeted the blog post to Oprah—now I am not a loon and I have no expectation that she read the blog (or tweet, […]


For Whom The Blog Tolls

I received a thought-provoking email from a reader this morning that immediately spurred my next blog post, its thoroughness and the points it pondered being: A) Completely relevant to my (and any other author/writer’s) blog and B) Timely, as I had been considering my blog, the fact that I really would like to blog about […]


Learning The Ropes Without Getting Beaten To Death On Them

My “big” ad is running now. I signed up for it last March or so, figuring I could squirrel away a bit here and a bundle there until, by the time I actually had to pay for it, I’d have the funds. I’m not going to say what it cost, one because I am keeping […]


Feeling Like I Should Be More Like Kerouac

On July 18, 2012, in Book Release, Indie Authors, Marketing, The Market, by rsguthrie

So I’ve had a few people tell me they’re glad I’m blogging more lately, but how are you feeling about it? I’m thinking if I’m going to blog more, I should shorten up my blogs. I tend to put together some pretty long blogs and I’m wondering if there’s some rule in Blogging 101 (which […]


What To Charge For Your Book (Or: George Carlin Might Know; He Can Ask God)

My last post was a little heavy. Elie Wiesel. The holocaust. God on trial. I decided today I would be a little more of the light-hearted self and talk about book pricing. Nothing heavy or controversial about that. Ahem. No, but take my wife…seriously. By the way, before we get started, I missed my 100th […]


Power-Wash Your Writing

On June 28, 2012, in eBook Pricing, Indie Authors, Opinion, The Market, Writing Tips, by rsguthrie

The other day we had the wood on our fences and our deck power-washed. If you had asked me a couple of days before that what the boards on the fence and deck were worth I would have said “nothing”. They were an awful shade of gray—not light gray, or bright gray, but that dingy, […]


Are You Still Trying to Sell A Million EBooks?

On June 18, 2012, in Indie Authors, Miscellaneous, Opinion, The Market, Writing Tips, by rsguthrie

I know a few people who play the lottery. Many of my friends are engineers, and mathematicians long ago calculated that your odds of taking out a ten million dollar life insurance policy and then flying from one coast to the other every hour of every day would be a better investment than purchasing one […]