Wow, I can’t believe it’s another Phreaky Friday already. TGIPF, right? Or any kind of Friday for that matter. And if you work an off-shift and today is your Wednesday (or God forbid, your MONDAY)…well, I’m sorry. But the rest of us are freaking PUMPED. (You can laugh at us next week.) So the other […]
I love civil discourse. I really do. Unfortunately, on the Internet discourse too often devolves to rant, argument, or diatribe rather quickly. Thing is, there were so many excellent (and adamant) responses yesterday to the Amazon Pay-to-Publish post that I really thought it would benefit people who missed the “Comments” section to hear some of […]
Not yet, but they damn well should. Yes, I am aware that most authors are starving critters and don’t need yet another entry in the expense column. But here’s the thing: when publishing is free, anyone can do it, and charging peanuts for an entire novel becomes less cost-effective. (Truth is, the price point on […]
One of the most interesting and arguable topics in the Indie (and traditionally published) markets is the price point for eBooks. While I haven’t yet made up my own mind completely, my own personal stance has been that the devaluation of all our hard work (i.e. the market presence that has been driving the price […]
I had cause again recently to wonder at the way we as a culture tend to devalue things once they reach a certain level of popularity. Take the concept of “Likes”. Pretty sure Facebook coined the term, but it was Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert who for me revolutionized the old “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” […]
So I made the plunge. Took a dive. Crossed over to the Dark Side. That’s right, I am now officially an Amazon Minion. (Why do I suddenly feel like even blogging about this puts me at risk of a stern visit from a dark, robed figure with a ugly plastic mask and a half-broken breathing […]
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