Gunfight at the 99 Cent Corral

I have a Free Kindle Nation Short (FKNS) ad running today. It’s basically a one-day email blast to 20,000+ subscribers and includes six chapters of my new book as a sampling. Now mind you, every person who’s read this book has raved about it. I am my own worst critic and I am telling you […]


For Whom The Blog Tolls

I received a thought-provoking email from a reader this morning that immediately spurred my next blog post, its thoroughness and the points it pondered being: A) Completely relevant to my (and any other author/writer’s) blog and B) Timely, as I had been considering my blog, the fact that I really would like to blog about […]


What To Charge For Your Book (Or: George Carlin Might Know; He Can Ask God)

My last post was a little heavy. Elie Wiesel. The holocaust. God on trial. I decided today I would be a little more of the light-hearted self and talk about book pricing. Nothing heavy or controversial about that. Ahem. No, but take my wife…seriously. By the way, before we get started, I missed my 100th […]


Indies, Babies, Bathwater, and a Farewell to the Dark Ages

On May 20, 2012, in Famous Writers, HuffPost, Indie Authors, Indie Reader, Opinion, The Market, by rsguthrie

Last Friday was the one year anniversary of the publishing of my first book as an Indie. Note I no longer use the moniker “self” in front of my published status. The reasons I stopped using that word are myriad and akin to the same reason that in our household we never used the word […]