Peaks and Valleys = A Lot Of Humping (Not The Good Kind)

On January 27, 2013, in Encouragement for Indies, Marketing, The Market, by rsguthrie

The infamous (and despised) THEY say you need to take the highs with the lows. (I wonder if THEY had to actually go to night school to figure that one out?) Here’s what no one ever tells you about what I prefer thinking off as the Peaks and Valleys: Anyone who has ever summitted a […]


Idol for Authors, Part Deux

I was replying to comments on the original “American Idol for Authors” post and the creative juices (and pitch man) in me started into overdrive. I noticed the other day a Tweep retweeted the blog post to Oprah—now I am not a loon and I have no expectation that she read the blog (or tweet, […]