Learning The Ropes Without Getting Beaten To Death On Them

My “big” ad is running now. I signed up for it last March or so, figuring I could squirrel away a bit here and a bundle there until, by the time I actually had to pay for it, I’d have the funds. I’m not going to say what it cost, one because I am keeping […]


Feeling Like I Should Be More Like Kerouac

On July 18, 2012, in Book Release, Indie Authors, Marketing, The Market, by rsguthrie

So I’ve had a few people tell me they’re glad I’m blogging more lately, but how are you feeling about it? I’m thinking if I’m going to blog more, I should shorten up my blogs. I tend to put together some pretty long blogs and I’m wondering if there’s some rule in Blogging 101 (which […]


What To Charge For Your Book (Or: George Carlin Might Know; He Can Ask God)

My last post was a little heavy. Elie Wiesel. The holocaust. God on trial. I decided today I would be a little more of the light-hearted self and talk about book pricing. Nothing heavy or controversial about that. Ahem. No, but take my wife…seriously. By the way, before we get started, I missed my 100th […]


15 Seconds of FAME (or “The King and I”)

On January 6, 2012, in Book Release, Famous Writers, Indie Authors, The Market, by rsguthrie

I am currently running a free promo for my new book, L O S T, the sequel to Black Beast. So I’ve been spending the day watching L O S T slowly climb up the “Free” store at Amazon (at the writing of this blog post I am 12 hours into my promotion and L […]