Starbucks Coffee And The Imprisoning Effect Of Twitter (And Other Social Media)

On July 29, 2012, in eBook Pricing, Future Ideas, Indie Authors, Marketing, The Market, Twitter, by rsguthrie

I had one idea for a blog that became two, that are somewhat related (Indies trying to succeed in a cruel, isolated world and the pricing challenge faced by all). So I mashed them together here. I hope it turns out better than that potato recipe I tried last year. Bad. So very, very bad. […]


Are You Marketing Like A Caveman?

On April 17, 2012, in Indie Authors, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Soap Box, The Market, Twitter, by rsguthrie

  I work my ass off marketing my books. I tweet and I buy ads and I pimp myself until I feel like I should be pulling on some lacy leggings and walking the red light district (I apologize profusely for the image I just created in your mind—may it not be as indelible as […]


Guest Post: Frederick Lee Brooke (8 Things He’s Learned)

On March 13, 2012, in Guest Posts, Indie Authors, The Market, Twitter, Writing Tips, by rsguthrie

You’re all familiar, I assume, with Twofer Tuesdays? This is when a radio station plays two songs in a row from every artist that day. Well in a way this is a Twofer for me today—I have the honor of hosting another guest blog AND it is also one of my favorite Indie writers around. […]