Peaks and Valleys = A Lot Of Humping (Not The Good Kind)

On January 27, 2013, in Encouragement for Indies, Marketing, The Market, by rsguthrie

The infamous (and despised) THEY say you need to take the highs with the lows. (I wonder if THEY had to actually go to night school to figure that one out?) Here’s what no one ever tells you about what I prefer thinking off as the Peaks and Valleys: Anyone who has ever summitted a […]


Did You Know? (John Hughes)

On January 19, 2013, in Celebrities, Famous Writers, Humor, In Memoriam, JOHN HUGHES, Movie Quotes, by rsguthrie

If I’m not THE biggest fan of John Hughes’ movies, I’m right up there on the list. Clint Eastwood is a genius in the art of creating fantastic cinematic masterpieces; Hughes was the genius of the 80’s version of teen angst (but even the current generation of teens relate to and quote his movies right […]


New (Sorta) Name; New (Sorta) Blog

On January 16, 2013, in Blogging, Humor, Miscellaneous, New Year's Resolutions, Non-Writing-Related, by rsguthrie

One of my resolutions this year was to blog more, but as one reader correctly deduced last year, I’ve been hankerin’ to write about more than just writing, at least once in a while. So the original choice for a blog name and, more importantly, domain, was none too swift, eh brau? Not with a little […]


James Pruett Mysteries – Chapter One Excerpt

On January 14, 2013, in Uncategorized, WIP, by rsguthrie

  I’m trying something a little new here—I’ve just started my third book in the James Pruett Mystery Series that began with Blood Land. The second in the series, Money Land, released just at the end of December. I have written a few chapters but I thought I would share the first on the blog, I suppose primarily for […]


Returned From The Nearly (And Wishing He Were) Dead

On January 9, 2013, in Uncategorized, by rsguthrie

It’s been forever since I’ve blogged. No wait, forever plus a few days. And nights. It just seems there should have been 728 hours build into the standard day. I mean, please, I’m a writer and I struggle to find time to WRITE. Thing is, I miss blogging. Blogging for me is where I get […]