Pawn Stars. You Could Learn A Thing Or Two.

When I write fiction, I do a lot of research (even if it’s comparatively easy these days), because I want the things I write about (guns, wars, lingo, cop procedure, CSI, etc.) to be as authentic and accurate as possible. I think readers appreciate authenticity, even when they read fiction. Here’s the rule I follow: […]


Will Television Really Rot My Brain?

On April 24, 2013, in Opinion, Poor Writing, Rant, Soap Box, Television, Television Writing, by rsguthrie

I have always been a little addicted to television (which is like saying you’re a little pregnant, I know). The irony is that I grew up with crappy television and in my young adulthood, as much as the box still lured me into its glowing beam, I did formulate an opinion that watching the boob […]


Why Do TV Writers Deserve Such Forgiveness?

On March 27, 2013, in CSI, Opinion, Television, Television Writing, by rsguthrie

My wife sent the hilarious, oblong (and record length) picture to me from Pintrest and I laughed pretty hard, and then I thought “man, we book writers take a beating for a missed comma or something that’s clearly only a typo yet the most popular shows on television get away with MURDER” (pun intended). Now […]