Word Count, In A Word? Worthless.

As most of you know from previous posts, comments I’ve made, and for the mind-readers out there, that I believe the faithful old writer’s term “word count” is about as useful to the quality of a book as is the words “pigeon shit”. Now pardon my New York Central Park language, but what in the […]


INK: Eight Rules To A Better Book

I finally did it. I published my first (and perhaps only) non-fiction book. It’s for writers. Any type. It transcends experience and inexperience; success and failure; genre, gender, and generation. I’m not kidding. I wrote this book because I’ve spent so many years critiquing in workshops and reading books and thinking, “just do THIS or […]


A New (Excellent?) Book On Writing

On March 15, 2013, in Book Covers, Book Release, Events, New Books, Shameless Self-Promotion, by rsguthrie

Okay, there, I allowed my ego to convince me (Freud’s ego; the actual one that exists inside each of us, not a bloated head). I’ve been writing for twenty-something years and I am still my own biggest critic. I’ve been blogging about writing, what works in writing, what doesn’t work, and I have received almost […]