When Reviews Are Negative (Or Worse)

I almost never blog about reviews (especially poor ones). Truth is, I try not to read reviews very often. Every once in a while a top reviewer who requested a book copy will let me know they posted a review and I will go out and read it. But while I’m there, I can’t help […]


If The Dreamer Dies, Do You?

A very, very good friend of mine posted a picture today of his young son in a Captain America costume and quoted him as saying, “When I grow up, I want to be a superhero!” My friend, in his inimitable wisdom, replied to his son by telling him the following: You already are, son! You […]


One-Star Reviews Don’t Suck

Until midway through last year I had an unpleasant reaction to one-star reviews. Partly it was because, being a newer author, I had not received any. So the first one stung. The next one was worse, not because of the review, but because more than one meant the first one wasn’t a mistake. As writers […]


A Plug For Wise Bear Books (And Not Because They Gave Me A Nod)

It seems like I blog more than I write my books (which could be a good thing or bad, depending on who you ask). When I began writing this blog there was (of course) a motive to create a dot for myself on the map and, hopefully, grow it one day into a large metropolis […]


All For One, One For All: Not Just A Cliché

My first non-fiction book on writing is blog-touring for a couple of weeks, so I felt it was fitting to also post said blog here, in my own personal space, exactly as (hopefully) printed on the other sites. I hope you writers out there read this. I wrote this book for YOU. I don’t know […]


Peaks and Valleys = A Lot Of Humping (Not The Good Kind)

On January 27, 2013, in Encouragement for Indies, Marketing, The Market, by rsguthrie

The infamous (and despised) THEY say you need to take the highs with the lows. (I wonder if THEY had to actually go to night school to figure that one out?) Here’s what no one ever tells you about what I prefer thinking off as the Peaks and Valleys: Anyone who has ever summitted a […]


The Internet Is No Place For Funny, Buddy

On August 24, 2012, in Blogging, Encouragement for Indies, Indie Authors, Marketing, Mea Culpa, Twitter, by rsguthrie

So yesterday I felt like having some fun with a blog. You know, humor. No one probably takes time to read the small print below my masthead blog titles, but I normally take the time to categorize my blogs so that folks know what they are receiving (or, better, about to receive). Yesterday’s category was but one, singular, […]


Idol for Authors, Part Deux

I was replying to comments on the original “American Idol for Authors” post and the creative juices (and pitch man) in me started into overdrive. I noticed the other day a Tweep retweeted the blog post to Oprah—now I am not a loon and I have no expectation that she read the blog (or tweet, […]


How To Write The Best Book You Can Possibly Write, With No Guarantees

On July 25, 2012, in Encouragement for Indies, Indie Authors, Reviewers, Writing Tips, by rsguthrie

You’ve taken the classes, attended the workshops, read every Writer’s Digest book they’ve put on the market. You’ve written, and written, and then when you thought the calluses couldn’t get any harder on the ends of your fingers, you wrote some more. You’ve suffered the rejection slips. Oh, how those rejection slips sting. To hell […]


American Idol for Authors

Had the idea for the wildly successful (yet perhaps waning) American Idol not been born in the mind of Simon Fuller and then finally realized as a television show, singers like Carrie Underwood likely might never have been “discovered”. Clearly Underwood had “it”. She was and is enormously talented, yet prior to the fourth season […]