Global Warming, BITE ME. Bring On Summer!

Anyone who knows much about me knows how much I revere the late John Hughes and his brilliant canon of movies. The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Uncle Buck, Pretty In Pink, Vacation, Christmas Vacation, Mr. Mom, The Great Outdoors,  Home Alone, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, She’s Having A Baby—the list goes on. I intentionally omitted one particular movie […]


Halloweiner (Or: Does Scrooge Hate Halloween, Too?)

Wow. Well, this is a record for a dearth of blogging. I could’ve crossed the Sahara and back again, sans water, and the vultures would have been blogging more than yours truly. I’d say “sorry”, but that seems capricious; I’d say you never missed me, but that hurts my feelings too much. So I’ll just […]


Come On Over And Conversate A Little

I read a very interesting post yesterday (“interesting” being defined as “for anyone with enough of a geek/time combination to find a full-length blog on word meanings an enjoyable way to spend a few minutes. It’s called 10 Words That You’ve Probably Been Misusing and it was written by Tyler Vendetti. Now before I get […]


A Plug For Wise Bear Books (And Not Because They Gave Me A Nod)

It seems like I blog more than I write my books (which could be a good thing or bad, depending on who you ask). When I began writing this blog there was (of course) a motive to create a dot for myself on the map and, hopefully, grow it one day into a large metropolis […]



The other day I received one of the strangest letters I’ve ever, well, received. First, I should clarify it wasn’t what most call “letters”. I’ve come in this digital age to think of writings more in terms of length, intent, tone, etc. rather than medium. Let’s face it, unless you’re vastly different than me, the […]


New (Sorta) Name; New (Sorta) Blog

On January 16, 2013, in Blogging, Humor, Miscellaneous, New Year's Resolutions, Non-Writing-Related, by rsguthrie

One of my resolutions this year was to blog more, but as one reader correctly deduced last year, I’ve been hankerin’ to write about more than just writing, at least once in a while. So the original choice for a blog name and, more importantly, domain, was none too swift, eh brau? Not with a little […]


A Post About Reading…and Other Stuff

On October 23, 2012, in Blogging, Reading, Reviewers, by rsguthrie

It’s been sixteen days since my last post. Feels like a million. Feels like I forgot how to blog. I can’t say exactly why I didn’t post anything the past two and a half weeks. I guess I didn’t have anything to say. I’ve been writing, that’s one reason (doing that boogey-down thing where you […]


The Unsinkable Molly Greene With 8 Tips You Need!

On September 21, 2012, in Blogging, Guest Posts, MOLLY GREENE, by rsguthrie

Eight Tips That Will Help You Rock Your Blog By Molly Greene When I started my journey into indie authorhood in early 2011, I set up a free blog (because I heard I was supposed to) and racked my brain about what to write that the world might be interested in reading (gah!). I agonized […]


Twitter Downsizing (And A Request)

On September 9, 2012, in Blogging, Mea Culpa, Twitter, by rsguthrie

For those of you who are down on me bloggin’ so much, don’t worry—I’ve decided to back off to Friday Blogs only unless there’s something fairly important I want to say (like this). By the way, next week is Molly on Writing, a brilliant guest post by super-blogger Molly Greene you are not going to […]


The Internet Is No Place For Funny, Buddy

On August 24, 2012, in Blogging, Encouragement for Indies, Indie Authors, Marketing, Mea Culpa, Twitter, by rsguthrie

So yesterday I felt like having some fun with a blog. You know, humor. No one probably takes time to read the small print below my masthead blog titles, but I normally take the time to categorize my blogs so that folks know what they are receiving (or, better, about to receive). Yesterday’s category was but one, singular, […]