A Plug For Wise Bear Books (And Not Because They Gave Me A Nod)

It seems like I blog more than I write my books (which could be a good thing or bad, depending on who you ask). When I began writing this blog there was (of course) a motive to create a dot for myself on the map and, hopefully, grow it one day into a large metropolis […]


I Admit It: I’m An Abuser. Of Semicolons

On June 17, 2013, in Grammar Police, Opinion, Proofreading, The Semicolon, Tools, Writing Tips, by rsguthrie

Actually only by the strictness of grammatical standards. I’m not a contrarion just because I want people to think I’m cool. When I write, it’s not a decision process—its art. I do what comes naturally to me. That doesn’t mean everyone is going to get it (or like it) but it’s not to be different; […]



The other day I received one of the strangest letters I’ve ever, well, received. First, I should clarify it wasn’t what most call “letters”. I’ve come in this digital age to think of writings more in terms of length, intent, tone, etc. rather than medium. Let’s face it, unless you’re vastly different than me, the […]